Thursday, November 11, 2010

Doing Nothing.. Exactly Nothing

Just another day, planning for a wonderful future. I will do this, that, everything. I will learn flute and then play it in paf. May be I should start preparing for CAT. I should write songs and may be I should again start dramatics. And then suddenly there is this moment when you encounter a high scorer of you batch who is having his intern in France and your mind flips over and says may be I should have given more attention to my studies. Who knows I could have been a topper...

And then I thought of listening Pt. Hari prasad chaurasia on You Tube. What a magical flute. Raag durga. Suddenly everything stopped and I closed my eyes. Everything empty yet so blissful. I didn't want anything. No comparisons, No plans, just an emptiness. And I said to myself- That it is! That is what I was searching for behind all my plans: the bliss, the satisfaction. I felt as if I have read the "Alchemist" again. The treasure we have being searching outside and finally find it at our own doorsteps. But may be the tour to Egypt was needed to know this. Its the nothingness which is mother of everything which is substantial. Its the stillness all of our creativity comes from. Have you ever thought of doing something just for the sake of doing it? And yet giving your 100%. What was the last time your mind was 100% here and now? Neither in the future nor in the past. Exactly here and now. Right now. This moment.Still and calm.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

तेरे सात दिए

हवा, चल ज़रा
मेरा आंसू एक सुखा दे
पथराई सी आँखों में प्रेम के
दीपक सात बुझा दे

वो सात दिए जो सात दिनों में
तूने मन में जलाए
वो सात दिए जो सात क्षणों में
तूने प्रिये भुलाए

वो दीपक तेरी यादो के
जो सात रंग के सपने थे
जो पल मेहमान थे जीवन में
वो पल काहे के अपने थे

पर हाँ आँखे मूंदू तो अब भी
तुम्ही दिखाई देती हो
जब चलूँ अकेला उन सड़को पर
तुम्ही सुनाई देती हो...

चलने दे मुझे, है काम बड़े
जो राह में मुझको करने है
तेरी याद भी मेरा क्या लेगी
बस दो नैना ही भरने है...

पर फिर भी याद रहेंगे मुझको..... तेरे नैना, तेरे नैना, तेरे नैना रे....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Desires make you Handicapped!

What is desire? A search of happiness in future. A concept that mind will be happy sometime when something will happen.Or wanting a good experience to come back to you.You may want a person, an object or a situation, it doesn't really matter.After all you are craving for an object of sense. An object which is supposed to raise few goody emotions in your mind and make your life so called happy. Look back once and see how many times have you desired something immensely? You run after an object which seems to be promising. But has anything ever completed its promise? If you get the thing and your mind becomes happy and peaceful for a moment or may be for a little longer time. What happens then? The mind again starts its wheel of craving and starts asking for something else. After every desire you are the same. If you see closely many botheration in your life right now are because of some fulfilled desires of the past. You wanted to get a girlfriend and now you want to get rid of your relationship.Feverish mind can never experience happiness because its stuck with a thing. Desires don't let us be what we are and don't let us do what we really want. They bind the mind, restrict its vastness and don't allow intution to happen. In feverishness we forget all the things we have. We stop enjoying this present moment, everything which divine is offering us. The learning stops and blossoming stops. Ask yourself do you really want it? What will change in your life if you have it? Do you want to live a life craving for things one after another. When will you get time to love this nature my dear?
And if we are stuck with a craving even this beautiful knowledge of liberation becomes a crutch for us. Because desires have made you handicapped. Unable to walk and see the beauties this universe has to offer you!
Stop and see what is that which you really want? Desire something so that no other desires need to arise after its fulfillment.

"Its fine if you have desires but don't let desires have you" -sri sri.

Jai Guru Dev! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Live It Before It Leaves You!

Life is too short to be sad, to be frustrated,
to complaint and to blame.

Life is too short to be wasted in expectations,
To be ruined in useless imaginations...

It flies before you could get a glimse
It changes faster than your whims...

So steady it seems..Its not indeed....
leave behind the mind.. you take the lead..

Love, laugh, dance, sing, live every moment...Live it before it leaves you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


सांवला शरीर, धूल से सने उलझे हुए काले बाल, मैली-कुचैली फ्राक, नाक में एक नथ ,गले में एक रंग बिरंगी माला और हाथ में एक झाड़ू। नंगे पैर ट्रेन के कम्पार्टमेंट में घूमती इस १०-१२ साल की लड़की को आपने भी कई बार देखा होगा। ये लड़की तरह-तरह की जातियों, बोलियों और क्षेत्रो में पायी जाती है। भारतीय रेल की जहां-जहां पहुँच है ये लड़की वहां-वहां होती है।
कभी ये ट्रेन क कम्पार्टमेंट में झाड़ू लगाकर यात्रियों से पैसे मांगती है और कभी छोटे-छोटे खिलौने, बिस्किट आदि बेचकर पैसो का जुगाड़ करती है। और कभी कुछ करने का मन न होने पर भीख मांग लिया करती है, क्योकि इसे पता है कि घड़ी में १२:३० बजते ही पेट खाना मांगेगा, ये सोचे बिना कि नीरू के पास पैसे है या नहीं। निरोत्तमा, ये नाम इसके चाचा ने रखा था। वही चाचा जिसे ये हर रात अपनी कमाई हवाले करती है। निरोत्तमा, इस नाम का अर्थ तो मुझे पता नहीं पर शायद उत्तम शब्द
थोड़ा आश्चर्यजनक था। उत्तम तो वो थी और सुन्दर भी, जब मैंने उसे दरवाज़े के किनारे बैठकर गुज़रते पेड़ो को निहारते देखा था। मैंने सोचा, जिस दिन मै इसका भाग्य बदल पाया, खुद को भाग्यशाली समझूँगा।